Monday, July 25, 2011

Baby's First Year Pre-Made Scrapbook Gift


I've made scrapbooks for several gifts and they are always a huge hit!  I've made them both with the pictures already in the scrapbook and I've also given empty pre-made scrapbooks so the receivers can add their own pictures. 

I made a scrapbook for my friend Staci for her birthday because she was going on a cruise.  She always complains about never taking pictures on trips.  I made the scrapbook with pages for each port and also included more general theme pages for beach and cruise pages.  The first thing she told me after she got back was how many pictures she took because she had the scrapbook.  She now has a beautifully filled scrapbook of pictures, mementos, and memories that she other wise wouldn't have had because she doesn't scrapbook.  

Giving an empty scrapbook to a non-scrapbooker is great because all they have to do is take the pictures.  They can personalize it by choosing the photos and by journaling on pages with stories and memories. 

Giving a filled scrapbook always gets a wow reaction (and sometimes even tears) when you give it to the reciever.   

Baby scrapbooks are a great gift for a shower or hospital gift.  Even if the Mommy is a scrapbooker, who has time to scrapbook during the first year?  The scrapbook can be laid out like a baby book. 
Here are photos of pages of a pre-made baby girl scrapbook that I made for a gift...








Each page contains a spot for one or two 4x6 photos.  When I give a scrapbook, I include a pack of acid free glue sticks so all the receiver has to do is get their photos printed and glue them in!


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